Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rooter Secured!

So welcome Rooter to nothing, because we don't exist. Rooter also comes (or doesn't) with a very interesting idea. Although MERC would never require a uniform for the team (just as we don't require you to even play Airsoft), his idea did strike a chord, and would strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.

If we ever decide to hold a team meeting, this would be a topic our SGT at Arms would have to take action over and remove whoever brought the subject to the table for violating one of the most sacred rules of MERC, that we don't have rules (just run-on sentences).

See, teams are too much work. Now we have to have a SGT at Arms and rules for him to enforce. Oh and a table! Screw that! You guys deal with your own tables! I'm going to go play Airsoft.


Unknown said...

Wait, so what is the topic about? and WELCOME ROOTER!

MERC.Cowboy said...

You cannot have a topic about a subject that isn't real from a team that doesn't exist on a blog that is not real.

We do excel at run on sentences though.

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