Wednesday, July 28, 2010

G36k Sopmod

I built a new toy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lancer Assault Rifle - Gears of War

Finally Done! 375fps @ 14rps.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blast Camp, Sunday, May 23rd


Biggest Raffle I've ever seen!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bringing home the bacon

Bringing in a satchel for some points and a well deserved Coke.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sherwood Forest 4.24.10

A very fun day. Pink shoes for the total win. Merc played on both sides (pictures of traitors not shown), proof positive that we are not only the best team out there, but that Merc really isn't a team at all.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Because the god damned zombies aren't going to kill themselves.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

OP: Street Wars 2 - 9.25.2010

My hat will have revenge!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cadet Training 3.27.2010

After I was ordered to put the camera away, again. I was holding it down at my hip, pointed at them, I did not expect to get away with it. And then they saw my gun...

Monday, March 22, 2010

My wall is not as big as Atomics

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Wall

I am very proud.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rooter Secured!

So welcome Rooter to nothing, because we don't exist. Rooter also comes (or doesn't) with a very interesting idea. Although MERC would never require a uniform for the team (just as we don't require you to even play Airsoft), his idea did strike a chord, and would strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.

If we ever decide to hold a team meeting, this would be a topic our SGT at Arms would have to take action over and remove whoever brought the subject to the table for violating one of the most sacred rules of MERC, that we don't have rules (just run-on sentences).

See, teams are too much work. Now we have to have a SGT at Arms and rules for him to enforce. Oh and a table! Screw that! You guys deal with your own tables! I'm going to go play Airsoft.

Atomic's Newest Creation

Built a custom Famas. It's a JP. Nicer gearbox and motor than TM, but strange barrel/hop system. Green Ghost modified to take a regular tightbore (Madbull). Also modified to take M4 magazines.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Event: MW2 - Whiskey Hotel

Holy crap! 600 People, a little rain, some cold and a whole lot of mud. It was a good time, just wished I had planned for the weather better. Team Angry Sex showed the airsoft world exactly how it's done when it comes to airsoft socializing on the field.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Hand Cannon

We will have to see if I get to play with this or not. It is shooting way over 400.

Zombie Killer

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Last Summer I played in a game at The Wargame Room and I used my red one. I figured I better make a green one too... just in case.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mac's Mags

Show your MERC colors with pride! Or don't. We don't care. Mac does. You should all try and be a little more like him. Or not.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Year of the Radio

I got these used off Ebay. $10 and $8 shipping. Having a radio (and a headset, I got one of these is going to come into play a lot this coming season. Squad channels is where my thinking is, to talk among ourselves. If someone wants to go radio crazy and carry two, so they can communicate with the team commanders, that's great, but I'm more focused on MERC. Being able to find each other, call for help and coordinating attacks. That's the kind of fun I'm thinking about. This brings my radio count to 5 and I have a couple cheap headsets. I'm always happy to lend to the team, just let me know what you need before an event.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Everyone welcome Pienoob, our newest member. He cleared admissions with flying colors having both pants and boots.

Wow, look how many! Some of us are much more casual airsofters, but having a life outside of airsoft (tho astonishing) is 100% acceptable.

Atomic (Leading from behind)
Cowboy (Shooting us in the back)
Phill (Flushing our dreams)
Ed (Serving our country)
Miggles (Serving our country)
Mac (Posting to keep you safe)
Mars (Gazing at the Stars)
Laura (Mars' Col Carter)
Inhae (Eating all the others)
Russianbiskets (Video game expert)
Tomasz (Join us...)
Pienoob (Soon to be PieExpert)

Don't ever forget what we're all about.

Damn you Ebay!

I got a 30 day ban today. Why, because H&K won't let you sell anything that even looks like their products. I've had a couple of 7 days bans in the past and they caught me again.

So if anyone's interested in a GSG-5 (MP5 with a folding stock) it's for sale on AMP

In fact, if any MERC guys are looking for anything cheap, let me know. With our Army Training (OP4) I go thru a LOT of different weapons. Nothing fancy and almost all clone stuff, but if you've always wanted an specific weapon type and only want to pay $50-$100 for it, let me know and I'll give you the hook-up.

There actually should be a good run of free weapons this summer to0. We'll see how things go.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Paramilitary Christmas

Event name: Paramilitary Christmas
Location: Realms of Ruin
Date: 12/19/09

Only about a dozen players, but a good time had by all. Mac won an M324!!! (Because Phill wasn't there to win it).


Welcome all! We're starting out 2010 with a new blog to follow MERC in it's airsoft escapades around the midwest.

As MERC members, we do have a few rules that you abide by:

1. We don't exist. I don't know what you're talking about.

2. Pants are a good idea. Boots usually too.

3. Play with MERC members at events or against them, it does not matter. All that matters is that you have a good time.
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