Monday, March 22, 2010

My wall is not as big as Atomics

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Wall

I am very proud.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rooter Secured!

So welcome Rooter to nothing, because we don't exist. Rooter also comes (or doesn't) with a very interesting idea. Although MERC would never require a uniform for the team (just as we don't require you to even play Airsoft), his idea did strike a chord, and would strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.

If we ever decide to hold a team meeting, this would be a topic our SGT at Arms would have to take action over and remove whoever brought the subject to the table for violating one of the most sacred rules of MERC, that we don't have rules (just run-on sentences).

See, teams are too much work. Now we have to have a SGT at Arms and rules for him to enforce. Oh and a table! Screw that! You guys deal with your own tables! I'm going to go play Airsoft.

Atomic's Newest Creation

Built a custom Famas. It's a JP. Nicer gearbox and motor than TM, but strange barrel/hop system. Green Ghost modified to take a regular tightbore (Madbull). Also modified to take M4 magazines.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Event: MW2 - Whiskey Hotel

Holy crap! 600 People, a little rain, some cold and a whole lot of mud. It was a good time, just wished I had planned for the weather better. Team Angry Sex showed the airsoft world exactly how it's done when it comes to airsoft socializing on the field.
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